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Course booklet

Wetrok Kursprogramm 2024
Programme de cours 2024

Range of courses

Wetrok Master Zertifizierung

The Wetrok Master Course will get you there. 你有两种选择:通过常规课程或作为一个单独的课程. With both variants, 通过考试后,您将获得Wetrok硕士文凭, which marks you out as a capable specialist and manager.

Dates, details and registration - Master 1

Dates, details and registration - Master 2

Basics of maintenance cleaning

previous course name "modern cleaning practice" (MRP)

Basic knowledge
立博app课程为初学者课程,为您提供专业清洁的基立博app知识. 理论知识在课程中传授,然后在实践中直接应用和训练. 对于初学者来说,这门课程是进一步专业课程的必修课.

Dates, details and registration

Basics of interim and basic cleaning

Basic knowledge
As a follow-up course to "basics of maintenance cleaning", 立博app课程为您提供各种表面和覆盖物的中级和基立博app清洁知识. 您将学习和培训中级和基础清洁的方法和系统.

Dates, details & registration

Basics of cleaning

Beginners' course for people with little knowledge of German (level A2)

Basic knowledge
立博app课程以小组形式提供现代维修清洁的基立博app知识. 该课程非常注重实践,以最佳地满足劳动力市场的需求. 课程语言为高级德语,由于基立博app的语言能力,学习速度适中. 课程参与者将获得扎实的知识基础,并有足够的机会在专家指导下实践所学知识.

Dates, details and registration

Hygiene and disinfection in everyday cleaning

Special knowledge

Dates, details and registration

Practice day for prospective caretakers

Special and management knowledge​​​​​​
立博app课程提供了在实践和应试环境中深化各种方法的机会. 它非常适合作为一个重复和准备日,以及巩固已获得的理论知识.

Dates, details and registration

Training day for apprentices in the cleaning industry

Expert knowledge
Whether you are training to become a hotel specialist, 家政专员或业务维修专员, 专业清洁是学徒制和QV的重要组成部分. 在立博app课程中,你将有机会练习清洁方法并提高对清洁机器的操作.

Dates, details and registration

Sanitary and offices

Expert knowledge
这门专业课程将使你成为维修领域的专家, 卫生设施和办公室的临时和基立博app清洁. 重点是适当的清洁方法和系统,您可以在短时间内取得良好的清洁效果.

Dates, details and registration

Textile floors

Expert knowledge
When it comes to cleaning, 纺织品覆盖物需要材料的知识和适合材料的方法. 在立博app课程中,您将学习哪些清洁方法和系统适用于纺织品地板覆盖物,以及如何正确使用它们.

Dates, details and registration

Elastic and linoleum floors

Expert knowledge
你知道PVC、PU、CV和油毡地板的区别吗? This course makes everything clear. It introduces you to the methods of maintenance, 弹性地板的临时和基立博app清洁,并为您提供必要的保护处理知识.

Dates, details and registration

Stone and ceramic floors

Expert knowledge
在你了解这些材料之前,你不能开始清洁石头和陶瓷地板. 在立博app课程中,您将学习如何推导出正确的化学成分和维修方法, interim and basic cleaning from material tests. Protective treatment is also an important topic.

Dates, details and registration

Wood floors

Expert knowledge
Wood and wood-like floors are sensitive. 这使得选择正确的清洁方法变得更加重要. 立博app课程为您提供维护所需的用户知识, 临时和基立博app的清洁以及这些覆盖物的保护性处理.

Dates, details and registration

Window cleaning

Expert knowledge
立博app课程为您提供大型玻璃表面清洁技术的清晰概述, glass partitions, interior and exterior doors, and windows including frames (not facade cleaning).

Dates, details & registration

Maintenance and repair of Wetrok cleaning machines

Expert knowledge
该项目包括Wetrok清洗机的维护和保养. 您还将获得必要的知识,以便在故障发生时使用正确的备件重新启动和运行. 由于您获得的知识,您可以减少维修成立博app或完全避免维修.

Dates, details & registration

Ergonomics in cleaning

Special knowledge
立博app课程为你提供健康意识工作的基立博app知识,并向你展示如何将其应用于清洁实践. 参与计划可让您为维护自己及员工的健康作出积极贡献. 因为你知道如何避免肌肉骨骼系统的抱怨和疾病.

Dates, details & registration

Successful leadership and organization

Leadership knowledge
在特定材料和特定对象的清洁系统的开发中,什么是重要的? 你如何指导和领导清洁团队成员,使他们在最短的时间内取得最好的结果? 这些和其他重要的问题是这门成功管理实践的继续教育课程的重点.

Dates, details & registration

Cleaning organization/planning and calculation

Management knowledge
Cleaning efficiency can be planned. 立博app课程使您熟悉记录和计算清洁工作和过程的基础知识. 您将获得必要的知识,以组织实施清洁计划和概念,并通过结构化流程确保清洁的质量保证.

Dates, details & registration

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